For The Love Of Purpose Book Cover

Achieving your purpose is the most rewarding thing that can happen to you and it is not rocket science. You can achieve whatever ethical purpose you define for yourself. All you need is to follow a set of defined steps. I have taken the liberty of defining the results-guaranteed steps in this book for you. Read More...

"An incredibly powerful strategy that actually works."

JULIAN DAILYFounder - Human Endeavour Research Organisation

"A read that can save you much heartache, time and money."

LINDA DUBERLEYAward Winning Journalist -
ITV, Fox, CNBC, Sky

"Practical and effective. Buy it, better still, act on it."

GARRY JONESTransformational Coach
& Author


For everything under the sun, there is a set of principles that needs to be followed to get the right results.

The reason so many people fail is because they bypass the essential steps for success they need to take, thinking they will get successful results quicker. Or they simply do not know how.

The truth is that you cannot achieve real success by taking shortcuts or uncalculated chances thinking you will win. Your life is not a jackpot. Do not gamble with it. I have solved the problem of how you can achieve your purpose in this book. All you need to do is, read it, do the exercises and take the right actions. If you follow the principles defined in this book, you will achieve your purpose.

I am extremely passionate about helping you achieve your purpose, that is why I have simplified the process for more people to create amazing success. It has never been put together like this before. The seven steps I cover in this book are powerful strategies for getting sure results. You get the best value from taking the actions inside.

This book will show you:

  • Achieving your purpose is not a fantasy
  • How to clearly define your purpose now
  • The 5 Pillars of Purpose
  • How to create your Roadmap using Goals
  • The Importance and value of data
  • How to use failure to create rewards
  • That everything is figure-out-able
  • The correct Money Mindset to have
  • How learning purposefully delivers better results
  • The power of aligning with Universal Purpose